Counseling that takes care of your heart, mind, and body.
A unique approach to therapy for anxious and depressed professionals.
You need help but you don’t want counseling where you keep talking—but nothing ever changes.
Many people think of the traditional couch and an impassive therapist staring at them with no emotion. In reality, there are many ways to heal and there is more and more evidence that trauma and emotions are stored in the body so talking alone may not always be the best way to get better. Thoughts and feelings all originate within the body so movement is a great place to work with our thoughts and feelings. I use a combination of dance/movement therapy, dynamic attachment repatterning (certification in process), and verbal counseling to help you achieve goals. I also use meditation and yoga to help you sit with your feelings and clear your mind.
Curious about how I work? Feel free to listen to this episode of Women’s Wellness Psychiatry here. I speak about all things dance therapy and attachment theory related with Dr. Anna Glezer as her guest.
Questions about dance therapy
Do I need to do know how to dance or be a “good dancer” to do dance therapy?
No, you need only have a desire to use movement to express yourself and help you heal. Dance/movement therapy is accessible to any body and if you can move in any way, dance/movement therapy is for you.
How does this actually work?
Dance/movement therapy’s premise is that the mind and body are connected and that by working with the body you will help your mind. Many of us are excellent at talking but not so good at feeling. So when we go to traditional talk therapy we can explain and describe what is happening over and over but not make much progress in feeling our actual emotions. Dance/movement therapy allows us to use a different tool, our bodies, to access our feelings and memories. How we move gives us clues about how we are feeling — by changing how we move and our usual movement patterns we can change how we feel.
What does an actual session look like?
We check in verbally at the beginning of each session then warm-up (either with music or without). Most of the session revolves around themes that come from either the verbal check-in or warm-up. We then do a cool down and talk about what happened in the movement and how that relates to your life.
Questions about dynamic attachment repatterning (DARe).
What is Dynamic Attachment Repatterning (DARe)?
DARe focuses on healing so that you can form healthy attachments to others. We use therapy to help you see how you react in relationships and to help foster a sense of safety. We use body sensations and feelings to help us gauge how you feel with other people and get you to tune in to what IS and ISN’t working.
What even is attachment?
Attachment is a fancy word for how we connect with others. It is healthy for us to seek connection via relationships with others whether they are with family, friends, or partners.
What do you mean when you say attachment style?
Our attachment style describes how we attach or connect to others and may be influenced by various relationships throughout your life. Unfortunately, early trauma can make it difficult for you to connect or attach. Do you feel anxious and worry your partner is going to leave even when things are going well? That is your attachment style talking. Or maybe you don’t like people being too close and you feel uncomfortable with too much intimacy? That, too, is an attachment style.