Top 3 Benefits to Starting Somatic Therapy
A San Francisco therapist describes the top 3 benefits to starting somatic therapy.

Why Do Dance Therapists Need Dance Training? And Other FAQs.
Information about dance therapy California and answers to frequently asked questions about dance therapy in general.

Top 4 Truths About Starting Somatic Therapy in San Francisco
Learn the top 4 truths about starting somatic therapy in San Francisco

How To Find a Somatic Therapist in San Francisco
Tips on how to find a somatic therapist in San Francisco.

Differences Between Dance Therapy and Exercise as Explained by a Dance Therapist in California
What are the differences between dance therapy and exercise? A dance therapist in California explains.

More Answers to FAQs About Dance Therapy in California
Answers to frequently asked questions about dance therapy in California

How To Do A Mental Health Check-in For a Friend or Family Member—from an anxiety therapist in San Francisco
Essential guidelines for how to do a mental health check-in for a friend or family member.

Top 3 Benefits of Starting Dance Therapy in California
Discusses the top 3 benefits of starting dance therapy in California.

6 Ways to Cope When the World Seems Overwhelming
Anxiety therapy in San Francisco— 6 ways to cope when the world seems overwhelming

Seeking Safety in the Body—Anxiety Therapy San Francisco
Anxiety shows up first in the body. Anxiety therapy in San Francisco can help you to deal with anxiety.

Top 4 Truths About Starting Dance Therapy in California
Learn more about starting dance therapy in California

What To Expect When Starting Dance Therapy in San Francisco
A guide on what to expect when starting dance therapy in San Francisco.

How To Find A Dance Therapist in San Francisco
Questions to ask when choosing a dance therapist in San Francisco

How To Control Your Reactions To Emotions
Tips on how to control your reactions to difficult emotions.

Exploring The Power of No Through Dance Therapy
How do we embody boundaries and saying “no” in movement? The following is the exploration of saying “no” in a dance therapy session in San Francisco, California.

Finding Home In Hard Times: Reflections on a Dance Therapy Session in San Francisco
A description of a dance therapy session in California.

Heart Reaching Through My Fingertips—A Dance Therapy Session in San Francisco
Dance therapy allows us access to the parts of ourselves that are best expressed through metaphor and poetry. If we use the language of the body to describe our emotions and feelings we automatically lapse into metaphoric speech. Anxiety becomes “my stomach was in knots,” fear morphs into “I felt my heart drop,” and sadness or depression says “every part of me feels heavy.”